The Virginia Witmers

What's Happening and What We're Learning

A Father’s Day Prayer


John had a rough night. It seems like his belly hasn’t woken up yet from surgery. He has not had a bowel movement and is very uncomfortable. Andrew stayed the night and said John would wake up often, screaming and writhing in pain. They’ve done lots of tests to rule out other things and, at least for now, it looks like it’s a very backed up bowel. He doesn’t want to eat anything. They’ve done a suppository and enema without much relief. The doctor just came to remind me that he’s still less than 48 hours post-op and overall he’s doing well. They’re hoping to get him up and walking soon. Please pray that doesn’t cause him too much pain and that gets things moving.

There was also some concern last night about excessive and additional chest tube drainage. The doctor said his was a bit unusual because it was so much, tinged with blood, and outside the timeframe they typically see it after this particular surgery. They did a belly x-ray and consulted with the surgeon but it’s stopped for now so everyone is okay with it. Please pray the drainage stops or at least continues but at the rate and consistency they want to see.

5 years ago, John got me the perfect gift for Mother’s Day that year- a big bag of pee. On this Father’s Day weekend, please pray with us that John gives Andrew lots of poop.

4 thoughts on “A Father’s Day Prayer

  1. Praying for relief for sweet John. Praying for today to be all turns in the right direction especially with his bowls and chest drainage. Continuing to hold all your hearts in prayer as you walk alongside him through the challenges recovery brings – I know seeing him having to endure this asks so much of your souls and I’m praying on that too. Continuing to pray for his wonderful medical team – May God lead his care team in every detail and be made aware of everything he needs for healing and for his special and unique heart as well, today and everyday.

  2. Continuing to think of you all often and lift you up in prayer. Thanks for letting us journey with you.

  3. A-men to everything Laura Carpenter wrote….we hang on to every word from Charlottesville.

  4. Praying praying praying

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